RFP for Housing Accessibility Survey
The Ability Center Offers Funding for Accessibility Survey
Application Deadline: 2/7/2025
Questions Due by: 1/24/2025
Award Ceiling: $100,000
The Ability Center (ACT) is a Center for Independent Living serving fourteen counties in NW Ohio. The Ability Center advocates, educates, partners, and provides services supporting people with disabilities to thrive within their community.
ACT has issued a request for proposals for a Housing Accessibility Survey that would: a) identify what community-based accessible housing currently exists in the City of Toledo; b) gather data on what the need for additional community based accessible housing is in the City of Toledo, and c) gather data on which accessible features are needed. We welcome proposals from any researchers interested in this topic but experience with disability and disability issues is preferred. Any questions can be directed to kthomas@abilitycenter.org by 1/24/2025.