Hugo – Chase STEMM Academy

Your contribution and dedication have allowed for a successful two years of training, costing nearly $70,000, and countless hours of love and learning. Hugo has successfully been placed as a School Facility Dog at Toledo Public School’s Chase STEMM Academy. His impact over the years of his service will genuinely be exponential, and that’s thanks to you!

Read about Hugo’s new role and his impact in this Toledo Blade article: Canine companions assist northwest Ohio schools

Join us at our Assistance Dogs Signature Graduation!

Experience an unforgettable milestone. Assistance dogs and fosters mark their graduation, celebrating the impact of teamwork and commitment. Observe the passing of the leash and connect with the graduates, the newest members of our Assistance Dogs Program family.

Friday, October 13, 2023

5:30 – Cocktail Hour
6:15 – Dinner
7:00 – Presentation

Toledo Museum of Art (Glass Pavilion)
2445 Monroe St, Toledo, OH 43620

Scroll down to register.